For ideal baking
We heat the grill over high heat and when it burns well, grill the steak for a few minutes on each side - according to our preference. The less we cook the meat, the more pink it will be in the center and the softer it will be. The more we bake it, the more it hardens and darkens the center.
The ideal doneness for beef steak is medium, which is achieved with 6-7 minutes of cooking on each side, turning once. This is how we get a soft steak, cooked just right, with a pink color on the inside. For perfect baking according to your preferences you can also use a cooking thermometer.
We do not constantly turn the meat while it is cooking. After cooking on one side, turn once and let it cook on the other side as well.
How do I know the steak is done?
To understand how well your steak is cooked, do the following test with your finger.
1. Press the meat with your finger. If it's too soft, it means it's undercooked, almost shoulder and only the outer crust is cooked.
2. If it is soft but meets your finger with some resistance it is moderate.
3. If it's hard without springing back, it's well done.
After it is cooked according to our preference, we cover it for 10 minutes and let it rest, so that it recovers the cooking liquids.

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