
Roll Stuffed pork with potatoes ready for oven 3kg
7 reviews
8,63€ / kg
8,63€ / kg
Order now and we'll deliver in the day after tomorrow. Free shipping for orders over €50.
Within Attica (excluded from same-day delivery from 19*).
Pork roll stuffed with bacon, cheese, peppers and spices with potatoes ready to be baked in your oven.
Ingredients : Pork roll, peppers, bacon, cheese, salt, pepper, paprika, thyme, butter, baked rat potatoes,
Orange juice
Cooking method : Pour orange juice into our baking pan and bake in a preheated oven for 1:30 hours at least at 180 degrees
Same day delivery in Attica
Same day delivery of your order to your home or office. Valid for orders placed by 5:00 PM and only for the prefecture of Attica
Deliveries within Athens
For orders with delivery to Attica, the minimum order limit is €25. For orders of €50 and above, shipping costs are free.
Payment methods
Cash on delivery (cash or POS), credit & debit cards, PayPal, Ticket Restaurant, payment in store or bank deposit.
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