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Where did the marinade come from?

Mar 08, 2024Naya Christou0 comments
Find out about with her history of marinades .

Its origin word "Ma rinad a"

The seafood water has led at word marinade , which comes from Latin word for her sea , mare . The verb type " marinade " appeared in English language about in the beginning of the 17th century , earlier than Essential marinade , the same not appeared before in the 18th century a. According in some sources , the word may not have come directly from connection with the Chinese sea water , but from the French word mariner "ma rinaro " or from Italian word , marinare , p means " pressing " . The dictionaries they explain that the word , marinade, indicated that something if salty , from salty water or from thal a ss a a this has led in their processing of meats in brine , the handling of food in brine or coarse a lati in order to soften and obtain taste . The difference is that the brine it does not include the use huge quantities of acids , in contrast with the marinades , which are useful at breakdown of binder tissue of meat for tenderness a.

But nasalization of them food  
In the courts , the court 's proceedings maintenance evolved in for aromatization and hair loss of of meats . I'm including you its processing meat and fish , honey others food , in a mixture of vinegar , oil , herbs and other similar ingredients before cooking . The idea was that this would make the food tastier tenderly and he would bless them taste . The trial is now taking minutes up to days and there is an abundance of marinades that useful for various kitchens . However , poultry and seafood require smaller time apart , as the acidic ma rinads they can do the meat should become extremely soft . The general rule is to be honest the chicken for an hour , no more . The juice es p peridoids , the kra si , the for yogurt , pineapple and buttermilk alternate the protein chains , unfolding them , to do the chicken tender and add taste .

But minnows in ancient civilizations  
Most people who believe that the marinades exist only here are some hundreds years ago and it was discovered if in Euro pi. However , they come from the ancient Egyptians times . The Asians eat the food equally their for centuries now with the popular component , the soy sauce . The Roman period added marinades to flavor the food her with the words that can be done the main course in ancient times . The French start if they sneeze at me the food their in 1300 and the Mexicans useful for softening the papaya the their meat from before the season of Columbus II . In the US , we are starting to use ready ma rinades from the ten years of the 1800s , alla marinating , in general , could be used even before this . The specific components in marinating have been affected by the country from which they come , as well as from them cooks . Because then it did not exist refrigerator , marinating is mostly useful for her maintenance . Against the season her If you are born , you will gain popularity Western cooking , if the useful people chicken p oulo and in other meats to enhance the taste them , but live with the maintenance them .  

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