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Sep 02, 2022siakos. gr0 comments

All the secrets to cooking DELICIOUS steaming!

Steam cooking! Bad lies. The benefits that this particular way of cooking gives to our food are many. The main thing? That allows our food to preserve - to a much greater extent - both its taste and its valuable nutrients. Plus, steaming keeps the fat away (unless we decide otherwise) and helps us create great dishes in no time. So, we enlist the power of steam to create delicious, healthy dishes. You will find the "why" and the "how" in the lines that follow...

Why cook with steam?

Because, in this way, we can ensure more vitamins, minerals and trace elements for our body, since the cooking time is shorter, while the whole process is more "friendly" to the food, but also to... our stomach. You see, foods retain their liquid (or at least a large portion of it) and become delicious and juicy without us having to add extra fat. This, therefore, makes them lighter and, by extension, much easier to digest.

Cooking without mistakes and… failures

This type of cooking is provided by the power of steam. What does this mean; First, our foods do not need special treatment until the cooking begins. Second, while they're cooking, we don't need to be on top of them, since they're not going to burn. Finally, the cooking time is considerably reduced, since in many cases the process is completed in a very short time (from 5 minutes to half an hour)!

What foods can we steam?

We start with greens and vegetables. Everything can be steamed, easy, fast, tasty and – above all – healthy. The cooking times? They vary according to the type of vegetable. They start from 5 minutes and can reach 15-20 minutes, which also depends on whether we like them... crispy or not. In addition, fish (they need from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on their thickness, while for a whole fish we will need about 15 minutes), seafood (we estimate about 5 minutes for shrimp), but also chicken, turkey ( both ready in about 15-20 minutes) and of course our fillets (both pork and beef, which take 15-20 minutes to make). Basic condition for efficient cooking and its duration? Don't keep opening and closing the lid of our pot, since that way all the steam will be lost (and damn it from the beginning).

How do we steam?

We have two ways: The first is, of course, with the steamer. An electric device that allows us to cook not just one, but many more foods and they all come out equally tasty, juicy and nutritious. In the trade, we can find different models which usually have from two to four different levels, but also some additional sections for some more special foods, such as e.g. rice and eggs.

The second one is more… combinatorial. What does this mean; That you just need a stainless steel drill which you can apply on it. Basic requirements; The utensils fit perfectly in our pot, so that its lid can be closed completely. Of course, we can find pots that contain in their individual equipment all these special baskets, so let's avoid experimentation.

After all that, tell me one reason why no one should try steaming. There is no! I look forward to your comments, ideas and - of course - photos of the recipes you prepare!

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