Tips για τέλειο αρνί στη σούβλα

Tips for perfect lamb on the spit

Apr 07, 2023siakos. gr0 comments
Easter day is approaching and you want to get the title of the best baker? If you want your wish to come true, read below everything you need to know so that your meat is well-cooked and delicious!


First, make sure that your spit is strong, can hold a 12-13 kg lamb, and of course that it is clean with all its accessories.

It would be good to have a motor, so you don't have to worry about spitting.

Then, having secured the above, put the lamb on the spit, ideally from the night before, and sew up the belly. Then salt it well!

Then leave the spit in a vertical position (upright) so that the meat can drain its juices.

Finally, you should have already procured 10-12 kg of charcoal.


Light the fire! Estimate that you will need around half an hour to prepare the thraka.

It is good to place more coals on the head and legs of the lamb and less on the belly. This way you will achieve a stronger fire in the limbs and less in the belly, which is what we want since the belly is more tender and the limbs have more meat.

After placing the coals, secure the spit well above the fire. At the beginning we place it higher and turn quickly so that the meat does not burn. As the time passes, lower the lamb and reduce the skewering speed.

As the lamb turns, brush it with lemon oil.

Estimate that the stewing will last about 3-4 hours outdoors.

To understand that the meat will be ready you should observe the following:

The fat is dripping.

The skin is cracked.

The bones in his locks have appeared.

Happy Easter!

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